Lemonwood Campus
Addition of 6 new buildings to the campus. The buildings will house 28 general purpose classrooms, 4 kindergarten classrooms, 3 science/flex lab classrooms, and 2 special education classrooms. Additionally the new campus will contain administration areas, media center, food service, multipurpose room, physical education spaces, and restrooms. Because of significant liquefaction conditions, all buildings will be founded on an 18” to 24” MAT foundation.
K - 12

Elm Street Elementary
Addition of (4) new buildings to the campus. It was understood that the campus will need to house 600 students, thus 20 general purpose classrooms (960 sf each), 4 kindergarten classrooms (1,120 sf each) and 1 Resource Specialist Program (RSP) room (480 sf) was designed. Additionally, specified support facilities, Administration areas, student information center (library), food service, multipurpose room and physical education spaces were also included in the campus’ new building project.

Costa Mesa HS Performance Arts Center
PSE provided structural engineering services of a new (23,000 sf) performing arts center for the Newport Mesa Union HS District.
The design includes 45 ft tall masonry walls for the main auditorium, 100' x 80' auditorium open space with suspended catwalks and light rigging as well as music rooms, rehearsal rooms, black box room, etc.
The building includes 30' tall entrance glass lobby and a curved glass screen frame designed for wind loading as well as thermal expansion and contraction.